Can you deduct your home office?

Do you have a home office?  Do you know if it qualifies for the home office deduction? The IRS has actually relaxed it’s position on home office in the last few years, so you may qualify, even if you didn’t previously. To qualify for the home office...

The AMT to be repealed?

A bill has been introduced into the Senate to repeal the AMT tax this week. If you’re not familiar with AMT, it is the Alternative Minimum Tax, created to keep higher income taxpayers from paying too little income tax.  Unfortunately, the AMT has never been...

Educator Expense Deduction Extended

If you are a teacher, you probably know about the $250 deduction that is allowed on your income tax return.  While this is a very small tax break, every little bit helps.  So, I was glad to see that Congress extended this deduction for two more years, until...